
Holiday Playschemes are managed by Lyndsay Daly and run from 10.00 am – 3.00 pm on weekdays during all school holidays with the exception of the Christmas holiday and Bank Holidays:

  • Autumn half term (1 week)
  • Spring half term (1 week)
  • Easter holiday (1 week)
  • Summer half term (1 week)
  • Summer holidays (3 weeks)

Specific dates for each playscheme can be confirmed with the school.

The play schemes cater for a wide variety of needs, including those who have severe / complex physical or learning difficulties. To attend the schemes, the child needs to be aged between 5 -14 years (school years 1-9) and have a statement of educational needs.

A busy and varied activity programme is devised which is designed to offer a range of opportunities for all children no matter what their needs. Activities will include arts and craft, cooking, dance, games, football, basketball and other sports. There will also be opportunities to use Tor View School’s specialist bicycles.

The scheme is part funded through Lancashire Break Time, please contact the school for more information about the cost of sessions. There are a limited number of places available each day for those children who have additional medical or conduct management needs.

All payment MUST be received in advance to secure your child’s place.

If places are unavailable for the session requested, an alternative date may be offered. All places will be confirmed in writing. Cost does not include lunch and parents / carers are requested to provide a packed lunch for their child.
For any other information please contact Lyndsay Daly (l.daly@torview.svt.org.uk)