What is the North West Sensory Network Meeting?
The North West Sensory Network Meeting is a group hosted by Julia Dyer, Advanced Sensory Integration Practitioner, involving a hub of schools working together to create a supportive learning community dedicated to the review and development of sensory practice used across settings.
Why are we involved in the North West Sensory Network Meetings?
Attendance at the North West Sensory Network Meetings allows us to continue to reflect on, and develop, our use of sensory practice across school.
Collaboration with other schools provides us with the valuable opportunity to learn and grow, ensuring that we are at the forefront of sensory developments by participating in information sharing and presenting our own experiences and research to be reflected upon and peer reviewed in a safe environment.
What sensory support is available for my child in school?
At Tor View we work closely with Julia Dyer who provides sensory training for all school staff with recommendations for:
- Environmental adaptation and resources
- Universal and targeted sensory strategies provided by the class teams with guidance from the school occupational therapist
- Specific individual sensory plans which are developed and monitored by the occupational therapist and delivered by the class teams
Universal strategies are embedded in the school curriculum to prepare and support learning and development. For example, calming/alerting movements to prepare, lighting adjusted between dim or bright and student positioning/location in the room to aid focus and maximise engagement.
Our team of Sensory Champions work across departments to ensure that learners have the appropriate programmes in place, liaising with Julia Dyer to ensure that these are kept up to date according to current needs. Where appropriate, learners also have individualised support through Sensory Passport paperwork detailing their personalised needs and areas of preference and sensitivity.
If you have any queries relating to your child’s sensory needs, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher at school.