Tor View School is required to publish statutory information. This information can be found on various pages of our school website, but for ease, please follow the links below to navigate our statutory information. 

Paper copies of the information available on our Academy website can be requested free of charge by contacting the school. 

Admissions Arrangements 

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) 

Tor View School Equality Statement and Objectives 

The School's Approach to the Curriculum 

Primary Curriculum  

Secondary Curriculum 

Further Education Curriculum 

Gender Pay Gap Information

Intensive Support Centre Curriculum 

Ofsted Report 

PE & Sports Premium 

Privacy Notice Pupils

Pupil Premium Strategy 

Progress Data & Performance Results 

Remote Education

SVT Privacy Notice

SVT Surveillance & CCTV 

Therapy Dog Information

The Teaching of Reading 

Trust Governance & Reports 

16-19 Bursary Fund Guidance 2024-25

16-19 Bursary Fund Application Form

Whole School Policies (inc. Behaviour, Attendance, Safeguarding)