What is the Lancashire Equality Mark?
The Lancashire Equality Mark provides a framework to guide schools through the process of reflection by auditing, developing and sharing positive practice across the various areas of equality.
As a school, we were successful in achieving all 6 strands of the Lancashire Equality Mark in July 2019 and this continues to be an area we are committed to developing.
What are the different areas involved in the Lancashire Equality Mark?
The Lancashire Equality Mark is made up of six different areas:
- Race Equality
- Gender and Gender Variance Equality
- Disability Equality
- Socio-economic Equality
- Sexual Orientation Equality
- Religion and Belief Equality
How do we promote Equalities at Tor View?
At Tor View we aim to provide equal opportunities for all through our inclusive ethos of respect, tolerance and understanding of others’ needs. Our goal is to develop and value pupils’ self-discipline, independence and autonomy in preparation for adulthood by providing a safe, supportive, caring and dynamic school environment. The staff and governors of Tor View School believe that every pupil has an entitlement to develop their full potential, with this reflected through the appropriate curriculum offers and support available. We are committed to reviewing and developing our policies, procedures and professional development to ensure that the highest level of equality is maintained.
For further detail relating to how we promote equalities across our setting, please see our Equalities Objectives page which can be found here. Equality Objectives