16 April 2021
Health and Safety in the workshop 4M
This week in FE taster, pupils experienced power tools and learnt about health and safety in the…

16 April 2021
Animals and their Habitats - P7
This week in P7, we have been focusing on our new topic ‘Animals and their Habitats’. As part of…
16 April 2021
Gender Identity College Link
During the Spring term the College Link students have been developing their understanding of…

13 April 2021
Duke of Edinburgh
As you may be aware on 9th April 2021, Prince Phillip, The Duke of Edinburgh, passed away aged 99.…

26 March 2021
3D take on the challenge of creating their own piece of ceramic pottery!
This half-term the topic for Key Stage 3 has been pattern with a focus on the artwork of the…

26 March 2021
ISC Blog
In the ISC, since lockdown, we have been exploring many of our usual timetabled activities whilst…

25 March 2021
P6 Blog
In P.E this half term P6 have been looking at athletics and studying the various events that take…
25 March 2021
3/4O Brain Tumour Research Awareness
In 3/4O this week, we have designed, tried on and made some amazing hats to help raise awareness…

24 March 2021
Understanding stress and anxiety in autism and their impact on behaviour
Understanding stress and anxiety in autism and their impact on behaviour' - SPELL…

19 March 2021
Down's Syndrome Awareness
Down's Syndrome Awareness week takes place during 15th-21st March 2021 and incorporates World…

19 March 2021
Here’s what 3B have been up to this week
Here’s what 3B have been up to this week?
On our return to school, 3B began a…
19 March 2021
What is Makaton?
Makaton is a unique language programme that uses symbols, signs and…