14 May 2021
Nature calls 4PG
'Nature calls'
This week, 4PG have participated in a few nature inspired mental health…

14 May 2021
Mental Health Awareness 4M
4M have been hard at work linking science, horticulture, and mental health.
13 May 2021
Mental Health Awareness Week - 4PG
For Mental Health Awareness Week, 4PG decided giving their time for others and caring for…
10 May 2021
Ceramics 4M
Blog – Art & Design
What’s Inside?
4M have been studying artists that draw, paint and create…

29 April 2021
DofE Orienteering Skills
This week, we have had George from The British Orienteering Association, come into school and map…
22 April 2021
Athletics 4M
This term, our theme is Athletics. We will be practising field and track events in readiness for…

20 April 2021
4PG Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Awards.
Since returning to school, 4PG have been working really hard on their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze…
16 April 2021
Health and Safety in the workshop 4M
This week in FE taster, pupils experienced power tools and learnt about health and safety in the…

26 March 2021
3D take on the challenge of creating their own piece of ceramic pottery!
This half-term the topic for Key Stage 3 has been pattern with a focus on the artwork of the…

19 March 2021
Here’s what 3B have been up to this week
Here’s what 3B have been up to this week?
On our return to school, 3B began a…
12 March 2021
4M Science Project
4M have had a great Science Week.
We have designed and made our own vehicles using plywood,…

25 February 2021
Getting used to remote learning has been a challenge, but it is one that our KS3 P-Group have…