Image of Smithills Open Farm KS2
13 June 2022

Smithills Open Farm KS2

Pupils from lower Key Stage 2 had a fantastic time on their day trips last month!

On day 1, we…

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Image of The Backstage Crew
13 June 2022

The Backstage Crew

In the Further Education Department we have our own theatre group. This is called 'Face-Me…

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Image of P4 Topic: Weather
4 May 2022

P4 Topic: Weather

P4 blog

This week in P4, we have been continuing to look at our weather topic. In English, we…

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Image of Haslingden Tesco has a New Community Champion
28 April 2022

Haslingden Tesco has a New Community Champion

Haslingden Tesco has a new community champion , Mukhtar and Mrs David has recently been in touch…
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Image of Secondary clubs
25 March 2022

Secondary clubs

Secondary clubs

This week has seen the restarting of the Secondary lunchtime clubs.  We have…

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Image of PE in P1
17 March 2022

PE in P1

Physical Education
This week in PE we practiced our dressing skills with developing independence…

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Image of KS3 Religious Education
15 March 2022

KS3 Religious Education

The topic for KS3 Religious Education this half term is “how do different religions express their…

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Image of Careers Week in College Link
11 March 2022

Careers Week in College Link

For careers week in College Link, we have done various activities. We accessed the computers at…

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Image of World Book Day Blog
9 March 2022

World Book Day Blog

World Book Day Blog 

What a wonderful and exciting day! Well done to the whole school for…

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Image of Viking's P4
8 March 2022

Viking's P4

This week, P4 have been focusing on Viking clothing and Jewellery. In our Creative History and…

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Image of Perfect Pancakes 
1 March 2022

Perfect Pancakes 

Perfect Pancakes 

We started off cooking club by making pancakes to be ready for pancake day!…

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Image of Key Stage 3 Design and Technology + Wellbeing Week
28 February 2022

Key Stage 3 Design and Technology + Wellbeing Week

Key Stage 3 Design and Technology + Wellbeing Week
3M have been working extremely hard in…
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