P6 Blog
In P.E this half term P6 have been looking at athletics and studying the various events that take…
3/4O Brain Tumour Research Awareness
Understanding stress and anxiety in autism and their impact on behaviour
Understanding stress and anxiety in autism and their impact on behaviour' - SPELL…
Down's Syndrome Awareness
Down's Syndrome Awareness week takes place during 15th-21st March 2021 and incorporates World…
Here’s what 3B have been up to this week
What is Makaton?
Makaton is a unique language programme that uses symbols, signs and…
P5 Motor Skills
This week, P5 have enjoyed the sun by spending time outside developing their gross motor skills!…
What is Hydrotherapy?
Hydrotherapy is the use of water to support therapeutic progress for…
Equalities Blog
P5 Mayan Celebration
This half term KS2 have been focusing on the topic of ‘The Mayans’. This week P5 have been looking…
Team Teach
What is Team Teach?
Team Teach is an accredited provider of positive behaviour management…
Walk with Ruby
Walk with Ruby
During Next Steps’ Community session we took the opportunity to get out and…