Image of Next Steps in the Community
3 December 2021

Next Steps in the Community

Next Steps in the Community- We have been looking at the signs in our environment and how we…

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Image of P7 Science Blog
3 December 2021

P7 Science Blog

This term, P7 have enjoyed learning about Acids and Alkalis in Science lessons. In our session…
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Image of Enterprise Blog
30 November 2021

Enterprise Blog

Head down to the Garage Café at Ewood to buy some fantastic Christmas items! These have been…

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Image of College Link Key Skills Blog
29 November 2021

College Link Key Skills Blog

During our Functional Maths lessons, the College Link students have been focusing on fractions and…

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Image of Expressive Arts Digital Media
26 November 2021

Expressive Arts Digital Media

Expressive Arts Digital Media Blog 


In the Further Education Department, as part of our…

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Image of Science in P5
23 November 2021

Science in P5

In Science in P5 this half term we have been looking at Acids and Alkalis. We have been…

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Image of Anti Bullying Week 15th - 19th November
22 November 2021

Anti Bullying Week 15th - 19th November

Last week in school everyone had a focus on anti-bullying as it is a national themed week.  Mr…

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Image of P4 Food Tech
19 November 2021

P4 Food Tech

During Food Technology, P4 have been thinking about 'our local History'. This week we made…
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Image of KS4 Capcom Go
19 November 2021

KS4 Capcom Go

Key Stage 4 do "CAPCOM GO!"
The Key Stage 4 humanities class had a fantastic…
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Image of College Link Bury College Visit
19 November 2021

College Link Bury College Visit

This Week students in the College Link group in the Further Education Department visited Bury…

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Image of 3D Key Skills Blog
15 November 2021

3D Key Skills Blog

The students in 3D have been working hard in their Key Skills this week and for the whole of last…

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Image of Primary 1 Outdoor Learning
12 November 2021

Primary 1 Outdoor Learning

This week in Primary 1 we have really enjoyed exploring in our Outdoor Learning Environment. We…

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