Image of Primary 1 Christmas Blog
12 November 2021

Primary 1 Christmas Blog

Primary 1 have been enjoyed singing, signing and joining in with the actions to our new Christmas…

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Image of P Group Blog
12 November 2021

P Group Blog

P-Group love their music lessons which take place with 3/4T. This term we are exploring Pop Music,…

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Image of Home Management
12 November 2021

Home Management

In the Further Education Department our focus for Home Management this half term has been on…

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Image of FE Computing Blog
12 November 2021

FE Computing Blog

In the Further Education Department last week, the Next Steps group during computing, listened to…

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Image of Halloween Disco
5 November 2021

Halloween Disco

On Monday we hosted our annual Halloween disco for Primary pupils! 
There were lots…
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Image of Hello Yellow ISC
8 October 2021

Hello Yellow ISC

We have had such a busy week this week in the ISC and Hello Yellow has topped it off nicely! Our…

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Image of Computing Next Steps
8 October 2021

Computing Next Steps

This week Next Steps Group have been working hard in their computing lesson. They have listened to…

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Image of Fabulous 3OR 
8 October 2021

Fabulous 3OR 

Fabulous 3OR 


What a busy week we have had and ending it on the wonderful Hello Yellow…

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Image of The Wind and the Willows 3C
1 October 2021

The Wind and the Willows 3C

This term in English, 3C have been learning about ‘The Wind and the Willows’. Getting the students…

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Image of Macmillan Coffee Morning
29 September 2021

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Our school was delighted to host this year’s Macmillan Coffee morning, last Friday. 
 What good…

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Image of Journey's in P7
24 September 2021

Journey's in P7

P7 have been enjoying learning about Journeys this half term! This week, we have looked at our…

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Image of First week back in P3
14 September 2021

First week back in P3

We have had a great first week in P3. We have been working on putting in place our individual…

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